Tuesday 18 September 2012

The bible story of Adam and Eve how they got punished by God

coloring pages of adam and eve desktop wallpapers and pictures

When God created everything like Day, Night, Sky, Earth, Sea, Sun, Moon, Stars, Birds, Fishes and different types of animals like wild and domestic finally God said of making a being who will resemble me and different from all others living creatures and also will have a power over all other animals in water on land or air. God said, I will call him “MAN”.

Then God took some soil from the ground and formed a man out it. He blew life into it. Began to breathe. God named him “Adam”. Then God created a beautiful and magnificent garden. Called the “Garden of Eden”. He created all kinds of trees that bore splendid fruit in the garden. He created a river which separated into four rivulets to supply water to this amazing garden. In the centre of the garden there was a tree which gives the knowledge of what is good and what is bad.

Then Adam was placed in the garden by God to cultivate it and keep himself busy. God told Adam “You can eat any fruit you please from the trees except the one that grows on the tree, which gives the wisdom of what is good and bad. That fruit is forbidden for you.”

So, when Adam was asleep God quietly removed one of his ribs and closed the flesh. God then created a woman and called her Eve.

Both Adam and Eve lived happily in the Garden of Eden. They dwelt amongst lions and tigers but never felt the fear of them. They wore no clothes but did not feel embarrassed or shy. They ate the fruits of Eden and were content. Their minds were pure. Everything went on well until evil took its toll.
god punishing the adam and eve coloring pages and pictures
One day the devil told the snake to tell Eve to disobey God. Then snake went to Eve and said to her, “Why don’t you eat the fruit of the tree which stands in the middle of the garden”. Then Eve replied “God has forbidden us not to eat that fruit because it is not good for us. Then snake laughed teasingly and said, “God has told you not to eat that fruit because after eating that you will understand what is good and bad, you will indeed be just as God himself. So, go a head eat the fruit. It is a very good for you.” In this way, snake coaxed Eve to eat the fruit.

Then Eve plucked the fruit and ate some of it. She convinced Adam also to have some of it as well. But to their horror, as soon as they eat the fruit, they immediately became conscious of their nakedness. Adam and Eve stitched together some fig leaves and wore them immediately.

God immediately realized that something was amiss wrong. When he summoned Adam and Eve, they said they were guilty if disobeying him and that they eat the forbidden fruit because of the snakes convincing.

God was angry and said to them, “you are not fit to live in the heavens.” He summoned the snake and cursed him for conspiring with the devil”. From now on you shall crawl on your belly for eternity. I will make mankind dislike snakes. They shall kill your offspring on sight and you shall bite them. Thus you will never be friends again.”

God looked at Eve and said “You have sinned and you shall suffer the pain of bringing your children into the World”. He told Adam also “You will have to work hard all your life to produce food out of the earth. Your life will be full of hardships until you return to the dust which I had created you them.”

From that day Adam and Eve were banished to the earth where they made clothes out of animal skins and hunted animals for food. They did not have the heavenly comforts of the “Garden of Eden” any more.

Adam and Eve Bible verses

Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. (NIV)

Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath or spirit of life, and man became a living being. [I Cor. 15:45-49.] (AMP)

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (KJV)

Monday 28 May 2012

God testing the Abraham's faith - Abraham's sacrifice - The faith of Abraham

Abraham's son Issac grown up and became an young boy. Abraham he loved his son very much. One day Abraham got commanded by God to sacrifice his son to god on mount moriah.God testing the abrahams faith pictures

God has testing the Abraham's faith. This was God’s test of Abraham’s faith. One day finally Abraham took his son to the mount moriah where the God ordered him to sacrifice his son.

His son Issac asked his father " Father where is the lamb which we are sacrificing now to the God."

Abraham told, God only will provide the lamb but Issac the time came courageously himself laid on the sacrificial place which was got ready to be sacrificed for god. Abraham slowly took out his knife to his hands were trembling with fear because he loves his son very much but as a man whose faith in God was strong he was about to sacrifice his son suddenly he heard a sound from the god saying

" Abraham stop. don't hurt your son you had proven your faith and also shown how much you love me by willing to sacrifice your son for me.

I bless you and your family and through you all the nations on the earth" At last God provided a there a lamb ready for the sacrifice finally, Abraham and his son Issac went home with happy and also their hearts fully with love, joy and faith.

Sacrifice in the seen world actually pleases and praises God, who is in the unseen world. The final destination of these faith tests are Heaven. So everybody be ready for the Gods faith test.

As God tested Abraham's faith, and He will test yours, too.