Monday 28 May 2012

God testing the Abraham's faith - Abraham's sacrifice - The faith of Abraham

Abraham's son Issac grown up and became an young boy. Abraham he loved his son very much. One day Abraham got commanded by God to sacrifice his son to god on mount moriah.God testing the abrahams faith pictures

God has testing the Abraham's faith. This was God’s test of Abraham’s faith. One day finally Abraham took his son to the mount moriah where the God ordered him to sacrifice his son.

His son Issac asked his father " Father where is the lamb which we are sacrificing now to the God."

Abraham told, God only will provide the lamb but Issac the time came courageously himself laid on the sacrificial place which was got ready to be sacrificed for god. Abraham slowly took out his knife to his hands were trembling with fear because he loves his son very much but as a man whose faith in God was strong he was about to sacrifice his son suddenly he heard a sound from the god saying

" Abraham stop. don't hurt your son you had proven your faith and also shown how much you love me by willing to sacrifice your son for me.

I bless you and your family and through you all the nations on the earth" At last God provided a there a lamb ready for the sacrifice finally, Abraham and his son Issac went home with happy and also their hearts fully with love, joy and faith.

Sacrifice in the seen world actually pleases and praises God, who is in the unseen world. The final destination of these faith tests are Heaven. So everybody be ready for the Gods faith test.

As God tested Abraham's faith, and He will test yours, too.